CS460 LAB Assignment #2
                         DUE 9/7/2023
                  PART 1: LCD Driver for image

Download samples/LAB2.1/lab2.1.tgz
zcat lab2.1.tgz | tar xvf -
     ts.s uart.c vid.c t.c     mk t.ld     wsu.bmp

The image file wsu.bmp is larger than 480x640 pixels.
The vid driver can only display 480x640 pixels, so the image is cropped.
The image is also displayed up-side-down and its color is NOT right.
Rewrite the show_bmp() function to display wsu.bmp
        in 1/2 size, rightside up and with correct colors.

Sample solution: samples/LAB2.1/lab2.1.bin:
qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -m 128M -kernel lab2.1.bin -serial mon:stdio

	          PART 2: LCD Driver for text

Download samples/LAB2.2/lab2.2.tgz:

ts.s cfont uart.c vid.c t.c    mk t.ld

vid.c is the same LCD driver in the book.
It displays ASCII chars in 16x8 pixels by 16x8 fonts.
Modify it to display ASCI chars in DOUBLE size, i.e.
             in 32x16 pixels using the SAME 16x8 fonts.
You code must support proper scroll (up) operation also
Sample solution: samples/LAB2.2/lab2.2.bin:

qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -m 128M -kernel lab2.2.bin -serial mon:stdio