BOOTER: find /boot/eos file in the EXT2 FS of sdimage,
        then load its data blocks to 0x100000

Reacll from CS360: find a file means to find its inode.

           Review the algorithm in CS360:

1. Get inodes start block# from GD in block#2:

   GD *gp;
   INODE *ip;
   DIR *dp;
   char buf[1024], buf1[1024], buf2[1024];

   getblk(2, buf)
   gp = (GD *)buf;
   int iblk = gp->bg_inode_table;  // print as %d to see its value

2. get the block iblk containing root inode into buf[]
   let INODE *ip -> #2 INODE in buf[]

3. search for "boot" in data block of / INODE
   Once you find "boot", you have its ino in [inode, rec_len, naem_len, boot ]
   which is DIR *dp -> inode

4. use Mailman's algorithm to get INODE of boot:
   blk = inodes_start_block + (ino-1)/8;
   offset = (ino-1) % 8
   get blk into a buf[], let IP -> INODE of /boot at offset

5. Search for "eos" in data block of /boot's INODE to get its ino
6. load eos's INDOE block into a buf[] and
   let  INODE *ip -> INODE of /boot/eos

7. ip->i_block[0]-[11] are direct blocks

8. ip->i_block[12] are indirect blocks; load them into 
                       u32 ubuf[256]; 
   indirect blocks will be ubuf[0], ubuf[1],..., until ubuf[i]=0

// Load /boot/eos image blocks to 1MB
   u32 address = 0x100000;
   getblk(blk#, address);
   address += 1024
9. When all blocks are loaded, call go() in assembly code, which jumps to
   0x100000 to start up the OS kernel


10. User Interface I/O: uart.c is a driver for UART (serial teminal) of the VM.
    It has a

    char ugetc(),  which returns an input char,
    uputc(char c), which prints a char to the UART screen.

Per CS360: you can implement a
    ugets(char s[]) to input a string
    uprints(char *s) to print a string

    For convenience, you should implement a

    uprintf(char *fmt, ...) for formatted print of
   	   %c: char
	   %s: string
	   %d: (4-byte) integer
	   %x: unsiged int in HEX (for memory addresses)