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        Example makefile

Recursive makefile

Reading: None, but check out this tutorial on make and/or the make man page



Simple Example makefile

# I am a comment, and I want to say that the variable CC will be

# the compiler to use.


# Hey!, I am comment number 2. I want to say that CFLAGS will be the

# options I'll pass to the compiler.

CFLAGS=-c -Wall


all: hello


hello: main.o factorial.o hello.o

    $(CC) main.o factorial.o hello.o -o hello


main.o: main.cpp

    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) main.cpp


factorial.o: factorial.cpp

    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) factorial.cpp


hello.o: hello.cpp

    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) hello.cpp



    rm *o hello


Less simple makefile (auto-generated)

Here is an example makefile that shows a straightforward use of make.

# Makefile for ephem, v 4.28
LIBS = -ltermcap -lm
EPHEM=  aa_hadec.o altj.o altmenus.o anomaly.o cal_mjd.o circum.o comet.o compiler.o constel.o eq_ecl.o flog.o formats.o io.o listing.o main.o mainmenu.o moon.o moonnf.o nutation.o objx.o obliq.o parallax.o pelement.o plans.o plot.o popup.o precess.o reduce.o refract.o riset.o riset_c.o sel_fld.o sex_dec.o srch.o sun.o time.o utc_gst.o version.o watch.o
ephem:  $(EPHEM)
        cc $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(EPHEM) -ltermcap -lm
aa_hadec.o:    astro.h
altj.o:        astro.h circum.h screen.h
altmenus.o:    astro.h circum.h screen.h
anomaly.o:     astro.h
cal_mjd.o:     astro.h
circum.o:      astro.h circum.h screen.h
comet.o:       astro.h
compiler.o:    screen.h
constel.o:     astro.h circum.h screen.h
eq_ecl.o:      astro.h
flog.o:        screen.h
formats.o:     astro.h screen.h
io.o:          screen.h
listing.o:     screen.h
main.o:        astro.h circum.h screen.h
mainmenu.o:    astro.h circum.h screen.h
moon.o:        astro.h
moonnf.o:      astro.h
nutation.o:    astro.h
objx.o:        astro.h circum.h screen.h
obliq.o:       astro.h
parallax.o:    astro.h
pelement.o:    astro.h
plans.o:       astro.h
plot.o:        screen.h
popup.o:       screen.h
precess.o:     astro.h
reduce.o:      astro.h
refract.o:     astro.h
riset.o:       astro.h
riset_c.o:     astro.h circum.h screen.h
sel_fld.o:     screen.h
srch.o:        screen.h
sun.o:         astro.h
time.o:        astro.h circum.h
utc_gst.o:     astro.h
version.o:     screen.h
watch.o:       astro.h circum.h screen.h

Recursive Makefile
