CS360 LAB1 Check List
	     Samples Solutions: ~samples/LAB1
=================== TA Grading Guide =====================================
Part 1: myprintf Function:

1. Show results of myprintf() function                             %30
PART 2: Partition Table

1. Show start_sector, nr_sectors, sys_type of 4 partitions in MBR  %20

2. Show start_sector, nr_sectors of ALL extended partitions        %30   

                                                           check:   80 points

========== QUIZ: You will be asked ANY 2 of these questions:        20 points ==
		                                           Total:  100 points
1. Write C code for printd(int x) using printu(u32 x):

2. In your myprintf(char *fmt, . . .) function, write C code to let
      int *ip point at the FIRST item to be printed:
3. For int *ip, how many bytes is *ip?
   putchar(char c) prints a (1-byte) char. How does putchar(*ip) work? 

4. Why do we have to print a '\r' for each '\n'?
                   PART 2:
1. Assume vdisk is a VIRTUAL disk. Write C code to
          open it for READ:
   Then   read MBR of vdisk into char buf[512]:

2. Assume: struct partition *p;
   Write C code to let   p point at P2 in buf[ ]: