CS360 LAB2 Check List

      WARNING: ZERO points if turn in only the lab2base.c code
	       ZERO points if your code is same as others
Make sure you have a LARGE text file such as t.c of YOUR LAB2 C code file

1. Simple commands:                                                  30 points
   start YOUR mysh program, run the following commnads
      ls -l       # ls LONG format                  
      cat t.c     # show t.c contents
   Other Linux commands, e.g. date, mkdir abc, rmdir abc, touch filename
   Choose an Editor that suits you : emacs, vi, gedit, nano
      emacs t.c   # must be able to edit your file

      cc t.c      # must be able to compile and link your t.c file
      a.out       # run another instance of your mysh program
      exit        # back to the original mysh

==================== if you can do 2, skip 3 and 4 ============================
2. MULTIPLE pipes with I/O redirection, e.g.                         50 points

   cat < t.c | cat | cat | grep printf > outfile 

==================== if you can not do 2 : try 3,4 ============================
3. I/O redirections:                                                 20 points
      cat < t.c                     # cat your t.c file 
      cat t.c  > outfile; ls -l     # must show outfile same as t.c
      cat t.c >> outfile; ls -l     # must show outfile size doubled

4. PIPES:                                                            
      cat t.c | grep printf         # must show the piped outputs    10 points
      cat t.c | grep printf | more  # 2 pipes                        20 points
              During DEMO, TA will ask you ANY 2 questions:          20 points

1. HOW do you tokenize PATH into dir pointers.

2. HOW do you execute SIMPLE commands (no I/O redirect, no pipe)

3. HOW do you handle > for output redirection 

4. For the command line
           ls -l -a > outfile
   what's argv[] passed to the ls program? WHY?
5. HOW do you handle pipe command, e.g. cmd1 | cmd2
                                                           Total:  100 points