360 LAB2pre
                   DUE: 1-26-2023
    Submit a ZIP file for TA to check and run your program

1. Download lab2pre.tgz from samples/LAB2pre
   run      zcat lab2.tgz | tar xvf -
   to extract files:

   type.h s.s t.c queue.o wait.c mk mtx 

2. type.h file

#define NPROC     9
#define SSIZE  1024

#define FREE      0        // proc status
#define READY     1 
#define ZOMBIE    2
#define SLEEP     3

typedef struct proc{
    struct proc *next;      // next proc pointer:        0
    int  *saved_sp;         // do NOT alter this field:  4 

    int   pid;              // pid = 0 to NPROC-1
    int   ppid;             // parent pid 
    int   status;           // PROC status 
    int   priority;         // scheduling priority 
    int   event;            // event to sleep on 
    int   exitCode;         // exit code value

    struct proc *child;     // first child PROC pointer
    struct proc *sibling;   // sibling PROC pointer
    struct proc *parent;    // parent PROC pointer

    int   kstack[SSIZE];    // processs stack                 

3. s.s file

	.global  running, scheduler, tswitch

SAVE:                            # on entry: stack top = retPC
	  pushl %eax             # save CPU registers on stack
	  pushl %ebx
	  pushl %ecx
	  pushl %edx
	  pushl %ebp
	  pushl %esi
	  pushl %edi

          movl   running,%ebx    # ebx -> running PROC
          movl   %esp,4(%ebx)    # running PROC.saved_sp = esp

FIND:	  call   scheduler       # pick a new running PROC

RESUME:	  movl   running,%ebx    # ebx -> (new) running PROC
          movl   4(%ebx),%esp    # esp =  (new) running PROC.saved_sp

          popfl                  # restore saved registers from stack
	  popl  %edi
          popl  %esi
          popl  %ebp
          popl  %edx
          popl  %ecx
          popl  %ebx
          popl  %eax
          ret                    # pop stackTop into PC: return by retPC

3 t.c file:

/*********** A Multitasking System ************/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "type.h"
// #include "queue.c"        // comment in to use YOUR queue.c file
#include "wait.c"

// global variables
PROC proc[NPROC];          // 9 PROCs
PROC *freeList;            // FREE proc list
PROC *readyQueue;          // priority queue of READY procs
PORC *sleepList;           // SLEEP proc list
PROC *running;             // pointer to current RUNNING proc

int init()  // initialize freeList, readyQueue, sleepList
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < NPROC; i++){
    proc[i].pid = i;                 // pid = 0 to NPROC-1
    proc[i].status = FREE;                 
    proc[i].priority = 0;        
    proc[i].next = (PROC *)&proc[(i+1)];
  proc[NPROC-1].next = 0;                  
  freeList = &proc[0];               // freeList of procs
  readyQueue = 0;                    // readyQueue = NULL
  sleepList = 0;                     // sleepList = NULL
  printFreeList(freeList);           // show freeList
  // create P0 as the initial running process
  running = dequeue(&freeList);      // running = proc[0] off freeList   
  running->status = READY;           
  running->priority = 0;             // P0 priority = 0

  running->child = 0;                
  running->sibling = 0;  
  running->parent = running;

  printf("init complete: P0 running\n"); 
  printFreeList(freeList);          // show freeList again

int body()
  char command[64];
    printf("proc %d running: Parent = %d\n", running->pid, running->ppid);

    printf("command [ps|fork|switch] : ");  // start with 3 commands
//  printf("command [ps|fork|switch | sleep|wakeup |exit|wait] : ");

    fgets(command, 64, stdin); 
    command[strlen(command)-1] = 0;     // kill \n at end

    if (strcmp(command, "ps")==0)
    else if (strcmp(command, "fork")==0)
      kfork(body, 1);
    else if (strcmp(command, "switch")==0)
      printf("invalid command\n");
  kfork() creates a child porcess to execute func(); returns child pid.
  When scheduled to run, child PROC resumes to execute func();
int kfork(int func, int priority) 
  PROC *p;
  int  i;
  /*** get a proc from freeList for child proc: ***/
  p = dequeue(&freeList);              
  if (!p){
     printf("no more proc\n");

  /* initialize the new proc and its stack */
  p->status = READY;
  p->priority = priority     // scheduling priority

  p->ppid = running->pid;    // ppid = caller's pid
  p->child = p->sibling = 0;
  p->parent = running;

  //                    -1   -2  -3  -4  -5  -6  -7  -8   -9
  // kstack contains: |retPC|eax|ebx|ecx|edx|ebp|esi|edi|eflag|
  //                   func   0   0   0   0   0   0   0    0
  for (i=1; i < 10; i++)
    p->kstack[SSIZE - i] = 0;

  p->kstack[SSIZE-1] = (int)func;          // retPC=address of func()
  p->saved_sp = &(p->kstack[SSIZE - 9]);   // saved sp 

  enqueue(&readyQueue, p); // enter p into readyQueue by priority
  return p->pid;

/*************** main() ***************/
int main()
   printf("Welcome to 360 Multitasking System\n");
   init();         // initialize freeList, readyQueue; create P0 as running proc
   kfork(body, 1); // P0 fork child P1, put in readyQueue 
   printf("P0: switch task\n");
   tswitch();      // switch to run P1; P0 in readyQueue
   while(1);       // if P0 resumes, just loop

/*********** scheduler *************/
int scheduler()
  printf("proc %d in scheduler()\n", running->pid);
  if (running->status == READY)
      enqueue(&readyQueue, running);
  printList("readyQueue", readyQueue);
  running = dequeue(&readyQueue);
  printf("next running = %d\n", running->pid);  

4. mk sh script
    rm a.out
    gcc -m32 t.c s.s queue.o

5. Demonstration of mtx

================ Programming Requirements =======================
1. Write your OWN queue.c file to replace queue.o
   Modify mk to

    rm a.out
    gcc -m32 t.c s.s    #include "queue.c" in t.c file

   YOUR queue.c file must implement the following functions:
/****************** queue.c file ********************/
int enqueue(PROC **queue, PROC *p)  // NOTE **queue
  // enter p into queue by priority; FIFO if same priority

// remove and return first PROC from queue 
PROC *dequeue(PROC **queue)         // NOTE **queue 
  // remove and return FIRST element in queue

int printFreeList(PROC *p)  // print list p
   // print the list as  freeList=[pid pri]->[pid pri] ->..-> NULL 

int printReadyQueue(PROC *p)  // print list p
   // print the list as  readyQueue=[pid pri]->[pid pri] ->..-> NULL 

int printSleepList(PROC *p)  // print list p
   // print the list as  sleepList=[pid event]->[pid event] ->..-> NULL 

int printChildList(PROC *p)  // print list p
   // print the list as  childList=[pid status]->[pid status] ->..-> NULL 

NOTE: you may write a SINGLE 

int printList(char *name, int what) for ALL the above print functions,

name = "listname"
what = 0: print [p->pid p->priority],
what = 1: print [p->pid p->event],
what = 2: print [p->pid p->status as STRING]

HOW? Read Chapter 3.3.3
Time needed:      10 minutes?

3. In wait.c file:
   implement ksleep()  as in 3.4.1
   implement kwakeup() as in 3.4.2

Test sleep, wakeup commands to verify YOUR ksleep/kwakeup work:
For the sleep command: ensure P1 does NOT sleep
Run mtx
P1: fork   : fork a child P2;
    switch : switch to run P2

P2 : sleep, with a value, e.g. 123 to let P2 SLEEP.
P1 : wakeup with a value, e.g. 234
Did any proc wake up?_____________________

P1 : wakeup with 123
What happens?_____________________________

4. Modify kfork() to implement processes as a BINARY tree using the
          child, sibling pointers of PORCs.
   When a process runs, print its childList as
          childList = [pid status]->[pid status]->...->NULL

   parent->----------                           p->-------- 
          | child   |                             |   . .-|--sibling=0
          ----|------                             ----|----
              .-------->.------>. ..->NULL          child=0   

   HOW? read Chapter 2 insert() function.

5. In wait.c file:
   implement kexit()   as in 3.5.1 
      To give children to P1: remove running's childList, insert it into
                              P1's childList

   implement kwait()   as in 3.5.3

    if no child: return -1 for error;
    // has child:
    To find a ZOMBIE child: same as to delete() a ZOMBIE child;
                            delete() returns a pointer -> ZOMBIE child
                            get ZOMBIE's exitCode
                            FREE ZOMBIE child;
                            return ZOMBIE pid;
     goto loop;
Test the exit, wait commands to verify YOUR kexit/kwait work:
For the exit command, ensure P1 does NOT exit
Run mtx;
P1: enter wait; What happens?________________ WHY?_________________

CASE 1: child exit first, parent wait later

P1: fork a child P2, switch to P2.
P2: enter exit, with a value, e.g. 123 ==> P2 will die with exitCode=123.
Which process runs now?_______________________ WHY?____________________
enter ps to see the proc status: P2 status = ? ____________________________

(P1 still running) enter wait; What happens?_______________________________
                   enter ps;   What happened to P2?__________________________

CASE 2: parent wait first, child exit later

P1: enter fork to fork a child P3
P1: enter wait;  What happens to P1?______________________ WHY?______________
P3: Enter exit with a value; What happens?___________________________________
P1: enter ps;  What's the status of P3?_________________ WHY? _________________