360 Project Help: HOW TO mkdir_creat

Reference: Chapter 11.8.1: mkdir. 11.8.2: creat, 11.8.3

WARNING: The project uses NEW ALGORITHMS. Your work MSUT comply with the new requirements. ELSE: NO credit

1. Base code: YOUR LAB6 program

ADD these C code:

int tst_bit(char *buf, int bit)
  // in Chapter 11.3.1

int set_bit(char *buf, int bit)
  // in Chapter 11.3.1

int decFreeInodes(int dev)
  char buf[BLKSIZE];

  // dec free inodes count by 1 in SUPER and GD
  get_block(dev, 1, buf);
  sp = (SUPER *)buf;
  put_block(dev, 1, buf);

  get_block(dev, 2, buf);
  gp = (GD *)buf;
  put_block(dev, 2, buf);

int ialloc(int dev)  // allocate an inode number from imap block
  int  i;
  char buf[BLKSIZE];

  // read inode_bitmap block
  get_block(dev, imap, buf);

  for (i=0; i < ninodes; i++){
    if (tst_bit(buf, i)==0){
       put_block(dev, imap, buf);

       printf("ialloc : ino=%d\n", i+1);		
       return i+1;
  return 0;

// WRITE YOUR OWN balloc(dev) function, which returns a FREE disk block number

char *disk = "mydisk";    // work with an EMPTY mydisk by mkdisk

int main()
(1). open disk for RW; let dev = opened fd

(2). read SUPER block to verify it's an EXT2 FS
     get ninodes, nblocks   as globals
     printf("ninodes = %d nblocks = %d\n", ninodes, nblocks);

(3). read Group Descriptor 0 to get bmap, imap and inode_start
     printf("bmp=%d imap=%d inode_start=%d\n", bmap, imap, inode_start);

(4). init();            // initialize FS data structures
     root         = iget(dev, 2);
     running->cwd = iget(dev, 2);

     YOUR ls, cd, pwd commands should be working by now

                HOW TO mkdir

Assume: command line = "mkdir pathname" 
Extract cmd, pathname from line and save them as globals.

int make_dir()
1. Let  
     parent = dirname(pathname);   parent= "/a/b" OR "a/b"
     child  = basename(pathname);  child = "c"

   WARNING: strtok(), dirname(), basename() destroy pathname

2. Get minode of parent:

       MINODE *pip = path2inode(parent);
       (print message if pip NULL; return -1 for error)

   Verify : (1). parent INODE is a DIR (HOW?)   AND
            (2). child does NOT exists in the parent directory (HOW?);
4. call mymkdir(pip, child);

5. inc parent inodes's links count by 1; 
   touch its atime, i.e. atime = time(0L), mark it modified

6. iput(pip);

int mymkdir(MINODE *pip, char *name)

1. pip points at the parent minode[] of "/a/b", name is a string "c" 

2. allocate an inode and a disk block for the new directory;
        ino = ialloc(dev);    
        bno = balloc(dev);

3. MINODE *mip = iget(dev, ino); //load inode into a minode[] (in order to
   wirte contents to the INODE in memory.

4. Write contents to mip->INODE to make it a DIR INODE. Mark it modified;

5. iput(mip); which writes the new INODE out to disk.

  // C CODE of (3), (4) and (5):
  MINDOE *mip = iget(dev,ino);
  INODE *ip = &mip->INODE;
  Use ip-> to acess the INODE fields:

  i_mode = 0x41ED;		// OR 040755: DIR type and permissions
  i_uid  = running->uid;	// Owner uid 
  i_gid  = running->gid;	// Group Id
  i_size = BLKSIZE;		// Size in bytes 
  i_links_count = 2;	        // Links count=2 because of . and ..
  i_atime = i_ctime = i_mtime = time(0L);  // set to current time
  i_blocks = 2;                	// LINUX: Blocks count in 512-byte chunks 
  i_block[0] = bno;             // new DIR has one data block   

  i_block[1] to i_block[14] = 0;
  mip->modified = 1;            // mark minode MODIFIED
  iput(mip);                    // write INODE to disk

//***** create data block for new DIR containing . and .. entries ******
6. Write . and .. entries to a buf[ ] of BLKSIZE

   | entry .     | entry ..     |                                       |
   |ino|12|1|.   |pino|1012|2|..                                        |

   Then, write buf[ ] to the disk block bno;

7. Finally, enter name ENTRY into parent's directory by 
            enter_child(pip, ino, name);

8. int enter_child(MINODE *pip, int myino, char *myname)
(1). NEED_LEN = 4*[ (8 + strlen(myname) + 3)/4 ]; // a multiple of 4
(2). For each data block of parent DIR do { // assume: only 12 direct blocks

       if (i_block[i]==0) BREAK;

       get parent's data block into a buf[ ], which looks like the following

          |-4---2----2--|----|       |                                      |
  | . |.. |ino rlen nlen NAME|.......|ino rlen nlen|NAME                    |

       Each DIR entry has rec_len, name_len. Each entry's ideal length is   

           IDEAL_LEN = 4*[ (8 + name_len + 3)/4 ]     // multiple of 4
(3). Step through each DIR entry dp in parent data block:
	compute REMAIN = dp->rec_len - IDEAL_LEN;

        if (REMAIN >= NEED_LEN){      // found enough space for new entry
           dp->rec_len = IDEAL_LEN;   // trim dp's rec_len to its IDEAL_LEN

           enter new_entry as [myino, REMIN, strlen(myname), myname]
==================== First-Fit-Algorithm ============================
Since we try to find the FISRT slot big enough for the new entry,
it is called the First-Fit-Algorithm.   What's Best-Fit-Algorithm?

1. Empty parent DIR: parent i_block[0]:                               

   | entry .     | entry ..                                                 |
   ------------------- rlen -------------------------------------------------
   |ino|12|1|.   |pino|1012|2|..                                            |

add entry abcde: NEED=5;  IDEAL of .. = 12; REMAIN=1012-12=1000 

   --------------|---- rlen ------|------------------------------------------
   |ino|12|1|.   |pino| 12 |2|..  |ino, 1000,5,abcde                        |

add entry abcdefghij: NEED=10; IDEAL=16; REMAIN=1000-16=984    

   --------------|---- rlen ------|------------------------------------------
   |ino|12|1|.   |pino| 12 |2|..  |ino,16,5,abcde |ino,984,10,abcdefghij    |

So, If only add entries, always add as LAST entry in the data block.
However, things will be different and interesting if some entries are deleted. 


   | . |2,12,2,.. |ino,36,28,ABCDabcd12345678901234567890|ino,964,4,abcd    |

delete ABCDabcd12345678901234567890 ===>

   | . |2,40,2,..                                       |ino,964,4,abcd    |

Then, add entry ABC : NEED=12;   2nd entry: IDEAL=12, REMAIN=40-12=36 ===>
      use space in the .. entry

   ----|----------|------- new enrty ABC----------------|-------------------
   | . |2,12,2,.. |ino,36,3,ABC                         |ino,964,4,abcd    |

           write parent data back to disk;
           return OK;
    // try next DIR entry 
(4).// Reach here means: NO space in existing data block(s)

  Allocate a new data block; INC parent's isze by BLKSIZE;
  Enter new entry as the first entry in the new data block with rec_len=BLKSIZE.

  |-------------------- rlen = BLKSIZE -------------------------------------
  |myino rlen nlen myname                                                  |

  Write data block to disk;

  This is ALMOST THE SAME AS mkdir() except : 
   (1). its inode's mode field is set to a REGULAR file, 

        set permission bits to (default) rw-r--r--,
        i_mode=0x81A4 = b|1000|0001|1010|0100|
   (2). No data block, so size = 0
   (3). links_count = 1;
   (4). Do NOT increment parent's links_count

int my_creat(MINODE *pip; char *name)
  Same as mymkdir() except 
    INODE's file type = 0x81A4 OR 0100644
    links_count = 1
    NO data block, so size = 0
    do NOT inc parent's link count.


================ development HEPS =============================

1. Your mkdir/creat may trash the disk iamge (by writing to wrong inode or data
   blocks), which will cause problems later even if your program is correct.
   So, it's better to use a FRESH disk image each time during development.

2. After running YOUR mkdir/creat commands, you should check the results 
   under LINUX. Write a sh script "s" containing
         sudo mount disk /mnt
         ls -l /mnt
         sudo umount /mnt

   to show the disk contents under LINUX.
                     Sample solutions: