360 Project HELP

READ Chapter 11.9.2 - 11.9.3

                    HOW TO open_close_lseek

------------------------ in type.h file -------------------------------------
typedef struct proc{         |      typedef struct oft{     // OpenFileTable
  struct proc *next;         |              int  mode;      // R|W|RW|APP
  int    pid;                |              int  shareCount;
  int    ppid;               |              MINODE *minodeptr;
  int    uid, gid;           |              int  offset;
  MINODE *cwd;               |      }OFT;  
                             |      OFT oft[32];            // oft structs 
  OFT    *fd[NFD]; ==============>  opened oft's of this process
}PROC;                       |
                             |      GLOBAL in main.c file: OFT oft[32];

// Initialization: fd[]       of every PROC = 0;     // no opened file yet
//                 shareCount of every oft  = 0;     // FREE

Open File Data Structures:

      |                                                  ||****************** 
    PROC[ ]            OFT[32]            MINODE[64]     ||      Disk dev
  ===========  |---> ============  ---> =============    || ===============
  |nextPtr  |  |     |mode      |  |    |  INODE    |    || |      INODE   
  |pid, ppid|  |     |shareCount|  |    | -------   |    || =============== 
  |uid, gid |  |     |minodeptr |-->    | dev,ino   |    || 
  |cwd      |  |     |offset    |       | cacheCount|    ||******************
  |         |  |     ====|=======       | shareCount|    
  |fd[10]   |  |         |              | modified  |         
  | ------  |  |         |              | id        | 
0 |   ----->|->|         |              =============
  | ------  |            |   
1 |         |            |
  | ------  |           --------------------------------
2 |         |           |0123456.............
  | ------  |           --------------------------------    
  ===========           logical view of file: a sequence of bytes

int open_file()
  1. ASSUME open pathname mode   # mode = 0|1|2|3 for R|W|RW|APPEND

  2. get pathname's minode pointer:

         MINODE *mip = path2inode(pathname);

  3. if (!mip){ // pathname does not exist:
        if (mode==0)    // READ: file must exist
	    return -1;
        // mode=R|RW|APPEND: creat file first
        creat_file();  // make sure YOUR creat_file() use pathname 

	mip = pathn2inode(pathname);
	// print mip's [dev, ino]

  4. check mip->INODE.i_mode to verify it's a REGULAR file
     Check whether the file is ALREADY opened with INCOMPATIBLE mode:
     If it's already opened for W, RW, APPEND : reject.
     that is, only multiple READs of the SAME file are OK

  4. allocate a FREE OpenFileTable (OFT) and fill in values: 
      oftp->mode = mode;      // mode = 0|1|2|3 for R|W|RW|APPEND 
      oftp->shareCount = 1;
      oftp->minodeptr = mip;  // point at the file's minode[]

  5. Depending on the open mode 0|1|2|3, set the OFT's offset accordingly:

         case 0 : oftp->offset = 0;     // R: offset = 0
         case 1 : truncate(mip);        // W: truncate file to 0 size
                  oftp->offset = 0;
         case 2 : oftp->offset = 0;     // RW: do NOT truncate file
         case 3 : oftp->offset =  mip->INODE.i_size;  // APPEND mode
         default: printf("invalid mode\n");

   7. find the SMALLEST index i in running PROC's fd[ ] such that fd[i] is NULL
      Let running->fd[i] point at the OFT entry

   8. update INODE's time field
         for R: touch atime. 
         for W|RW|APPEND mode : touch atime and mtime
      mark Minode[ ] MODIFIED

   9. return i as the file descriptor

   NOTE that the mip of an opened file is NOT iput().
   It will be iput() when the file descriptor is closed

int truncate(MINODE *mip)
  1. release mip->INODE's data blocks;  // SAME as print data blocks in LAB6
     a file may have  12 direct blocks, 
                     256 indirect blocks and 
                     256*256 double indirect data blocks. 
     release them all.

  2. update INODE's time fields

  3. set INODE's size to 0 and mark minode MODIFIED
int close_file(int fd)
  1. verify fd is within range.

  2. verify running->fd[fd] is pointing at a OFT entry

  3. The following code segments should be obvious:
     oftp = running->fd[fd];
     running->fd[fd] = 0;

     if (oftp->shareCount > 0)
        return 0;

     // last user of this OFT entry ==> dispose of its minode
     mip = oftp->inodeptr;

     return 0; 

int lseek(int fd, int position)
  From fd, find the OFT entry. 

  change OFT entry's offset to position but make sure NOT to over run either end
  of the file.

  return originalPosition

int pfd()
  This function displays the currently opened files as follows:

        fd     mode    offset    INODE
       ----    ----    ------   --------
         0     READ    1234   [dev, ino]  
         1     WRITE      0   [dev, ino]
  to help the user know what files has been opened.

          Other Simple FILE DESCRIPTOR operations:

dup(int fd): 
  verify fd is an opened descriptor;
  duplicates (copy) fd[fd] into FIRST empty fd[ ] slot;
  increment OFT's shareCount by 1;

dup2(int fd, int gd):
  CLOSE gd fisrt if it's already opened;
  duplicates fd[fd] into fd[gd];
  increment OFT's shareCount by 1; 

As you already know, these are needed for I/O redirections