CS360 Pre-LAB1 Assignment            
                     DUE: 1-12-2022 IN CLASS

	    You MUST read Chapter 2.4: to 2.4.3

NOTE: This assignment is for 32-bit code. For Ubuntu Versions 19 to 20.04, run
      sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib
which is needed by gcc to generate 32-bit code.

Given the following t.c and ts.s  files
Run   gcc -m32 t.c ts.s   to generate a.out

Run   a.out one two three > myout       # outputs will be in the myout file    

DO the requirements 1 to 4 as specified below.
# ts.s file:
       .global getebp
        movl %ebp, %eax

/************* t.c file ********************/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int *FP;

int main(int argc, char *argv[ ], char *env[ ])
  int a,b,c;
  printf("enter main\n");
  printf("&argc=%x argv=%x env=%x\n", &argc, argv, env);
  printf("&a=%8x &b=%8x &c=%8x\n", &a, &b, &c);

(1). Write C code to print values of argc and argv[] entries

  a=1; b=2; c=3;
  printf("exit main\n");
int A(int x, int y)
  int d,e,f; 
  printf("enter A\n");
  // write C code to PRINT ADDRESS OF d, e, f
  d=4; e=5; f=6;
  printf("exit A\n");

int B(int x, int y)
  int g,h,i;
  printf("enter B\n");
  // write C code to PRINT ADDRESS OF g,h,i
  g=7; h=8; i=9;
  printf("exit B\n");

int C(int x, int y)
  int u, v, w, i, *p;

  printf("enter C\n");
  // write C cdoe to PRINT ADDRESS OF u,v,w,i,p;

  u=10; v=11; w=12; i=13;
  FP = (int *)getebp();  // FP = stack frame pointer of the C() function

// FP is a 32-bit ADDRESS. Write C code to print its value in HEX  

(2). Write C code to print the stack frame link list as
     FP -> previousFP -> previousFP -> .... -> NULL      (all in Hex)
(3). Let p = &u;
     Print the stack contents from p to the frame of main().
     YOU MAY JUST PRINT 128 entries of the stack contents.

(4). On a hard copy of YOUR print out, identify the stack contents
     as LOCAL VARIABLES, PARAMETERS, stack frame pointer of each function.

    Sample solutions: ~samples/LAB1pre/a.out
	   outputs  : ~samples/LAB1pre/out   file