CLOSE book, notes, laptop, iphone

Exam will be in class;

Those approved by Access Center MUST take the exam at Access Center

                 Covered topics:

1. Reading List in class webpage: Chapters and sections covered
2. LAB Assignments: must review your LAB work!!!

LAB1pre: Variables in C, stack usage;
LAB1   : myprintf function, partitiion table

LAB2pre: C sructures, Link list processing, binary tree
         PROC structure
	 kfork(), kexit(), kwait()

LAB2   : mysh program: fork-execve-exit-wait; I/O redirection, PIPE

LAB3pre: threads, mutex lock
LAB3:    Gauss Elimination by threads

FILE operations: mkdir, chdir, getcwd
                 stat and ls program
                 cat, cp programs
                 system call vs Library I/O functions

========================== SAMPLEs =========================================
LAB1pre Part1: C variables in a.out file: READ Chapter 2.3.1, 2.3.2

Given a C program with GLOBAL variable, LOCAL variables, which variables are
in a.out file?________________ WHY?_______________________________________

Stack contents: READ Chapter 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.4.3

Given main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int a=1,b=2; A(a,b); }
       int A(int x, int y){ int u, v; HERE:   }
Draw a diagram of stack contents from HERE: to argv of main()
Identify the STACK FRAME of A() function. 

myprintf(char *fmt, . . .)
{ char *cp; int *ip; ....}

Given printu(u32 x),
 Write code for printd(int x)                ______________________
 Write code to let cp point at the fmt string_______________________
 Write code to let ip point at the first item to be printed on stack__________

Partition table:
 How did you get MBR of a virtual disk into char buf[512]?
 Write code to print the TYPE of partition 3 in MBR:
 What's an extended partition?

Chapter 2.10: Link List Processing
  Write C statements to define a node structure containing:

          name   : array of 64 chars
          key    : int
          next   : pointer to next node;

Given a link list of NODEs as defined above,
   Write C code to print the names of the list elements.

   Write code to INSERT a new node to the END of a list

   Write code to delete a node with a given key value

What's a process? ______________________
What does ksleep() do?___________________
What does kwakeup() do?__________________
How does a process terminate? ___________
What does pid=wait(int *status) do?____________

Processes form a BINARY tree by child, sibling pointers.

Assume: PROC *p kfork() a child *q.

(1). Write code to insert q into CHILD list of p: _______________
(2). write code to print child list of p: ________________________

LAB#2: sh simulator <========== EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!!!

  READ Chapter 3.8.1: fork()
       Chapter 3.8.3: Process termination
       Chpater 3.8.4: pid = wait(int *status)
       Chapter 3.8.6: execve()
       Chapter 3.9  : I/O redirection
       Chapter 3.10.2: Pipe command processing
  For any Linux command, how does Linux sh find the command?__________________
  Write code to tokenize PATH into dir[0], dir[1],..._________________________

  YOUR sh gets a command line = "cmd one two three"
  Wrtie C code to tokenize line into char *myargv[ ].

  Write C code to execute cmd, passing as parameters myargv and env

YOUR main sh's logic:
         get a command line;
         tokenize the command line;
         for non-trivial command:
             fork a child (EXACT code): ______________________________________
             if (parent){ wait for child to die: EXACT code:_________________
                          repeat while loop: EXACT code: ____________________
                 // CHILD sh do the command line

   CHILD sh: for a command line = CMD a b c d > outfile
     Write code to do > outfile: ___________________________________________
               MAY be <        :

     Create a pathname = dir[i]/cmd:  CODE: ________________________________
     Create myargv[ ]:   Show myargv[ ] EXACTLY: ___________________________
            int r = execve(pathname, myargv, env);

     What if the execve() call succeeds? ________________________________
     What if the execve() call fails? ___________________________________

     Assume command line = cat filename | grep printf
     Write C code to do the pipe _____________________________________________

Chapter 4: Concepts on Concurrent Programming

Threads vs. Process: What are threads?
How to create threads?      _______________________
What does thread_join() do? _______________________
What's the difference between thread_barrier() and thread_join()?
What's a Critical Region?   _______________________
How to protect Critical Regions __________________

In Gauss elimination: What's partial pivoting? ________________________
                      Why partial pivoting?    ________________________
Given linear equstions A.X = B
What's LU decomposition? _______________________________________________
After converting A = L.U, how to solve for X? _________________________

Chapter 7: File Operation Levels: 
Fle operation commands:                mkdir, rmdir, cd,    pwd,   chmod
Write down syscall function for each: ______  _____ _____  _____  _______ 
Chapter 8: System calls: stat and ls program:

u16 st_mode:
How to tell a file is  REGular  ?   ______________________________
                       DIRectory?   ______________________________
                       LNKfile  ?   ______________________________
u32 st_ctime = 12345678:
what does the value mean? ________________________________________
How to convert st_ctime into CALENDAR form?_______________________
Write C code to print all the file names under Current Directory:

Chapter 9: Lib I/O Functions vs System calls.

           Write C code to  open filename for READ: _________________
                            then read 10 bytes:     _________________
	                   fopen filename for READ: _________________
	   		    then read 10 bytes:     _________________

           Relation between fopen and open? ____________________________
	                    fread and read? ____________________________

           When to use syscall? when to use Lib I/O functions?