To set up Mentor Cadence or Synopsys to be able to run Eldo, Spectre or Hspice add these lines to your .cshrc file.

source /net/ictools/csh/mentor.csh

source /net/ictools/csh/cadence.csh

source /net/ictools/synopsys/synopsys.csh    or

source /net/ictools/synopsys/synopsys12.csh  for newer versions of synopsys tools


To run Eldo on a circuit "test.cir" type: eldo test.cir

This will create "test.wdb"

To view waveforms from eldo type "ezwave &" and open "test.wdb"



You need to add the line below to be able to plot the waveforms with the viewer

.option post

To view waveforms from hspice type "wv &"  from which you can open the waveform result files

Hspice generates files xxx.ac0 for ac analysis, xxx.sw0 for dc analysis, xxx.tr0 for transient analysis

WaveView (wv) can also display eldo output files (.wdb files)

Hspice help is located in: /net/class/ictools/synopsys/hspice/hspice_cmd_help/home.pdf

You need to run on 64-bit computer.

64-bit computer names: