CptS 203 FORTRAN Programming
Spring 2002 Syllabus

Schedule Line Number: 21709

Prerequisites: Math 171 (or concurrent enrollment)

Time/Place: Tuesday & Thursday, 11:10-12:00, Carpenter 101

Web Site: http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/~cs203/

John B. Schneider
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Washington State University
P.O. Box 642752
Pullman, WA 99164-2752

Office: EME 133
Office Hours: M and W 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Phone: (509) 335-4655
FAX: (509) 335-3818
Email: schneidj@eecs.wsu.edu

Teaching Assistant:
Ty Palmer
Office: Sloan 324
Office Hour: Thursday 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Phone: 335-1787
Email: tpalmer@eecs.wsu.edu
Note that you should contact Ty only about questions pertaining to the grading of the homework. All other course-related questions should be directed to the instructor.

Textbook: FORTRAN 77 for Engineers and Scientists, L. Nyhoff and S. Leestma, 1996, Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. ISBN: 0-13-363003-X.

Catalog Description:
Comprehensive programming practice using FORTRAN.

Course Content by Subject:


Homework Hand Written1 15%
Electronic2 25%
Test #1 20%
Test #2 20%
Final 20%
Total 100%
Attendance (bonus)3 3%

  1. Short, hand-written assignments will typically be due once a week. These must be handed in at the start of class on the due date.
  2. Programs, to be submitted electronically with the submit utility, will typically by due once a week. Submissions must be made prior to class on the due date.
  3. Attendance will be taken every class period after the first week. Three bonus points will be given for fewer that two absences (total), two points given for fewer than three absences, and one point given for fewer than four.

All homework must be done individually. A large portion of your grade is determined from the homework and you must do the work yourself. Collaboration on the homework is considered cheating and will result in a grade of F for the course. (You are, of course, free to ask your classmates about general issues related to the class, but not to share information about specific ways to solve the homework.) If submitted work indicates collaboration "beyond a reasonable doubt," all the collaborators will receive an F and the incident will be reported to Student Affairs. It does not matter if you actually did the work and somebody else copied your work. (The only exception is if you can prove that your work was stolen. It will be up to you to establish this fact. If this can be proved, the guilty part may be prosecuted for electronic theft.) A word to the wise: don't even think about sharing any of your work. It simply isn't worth it.

Late homework is not accepted (i.e., anything submitted after the deadline will receive zero credit). Your lowest homework score will be dropped. If you miss or are late for a single assignment, that shouldn't hurt your final grade. Just don't miss another!

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